The Showroom

Florence Paradeis


17 April - 19 May 1996

The Showroom presents the first solo exhibition in the UK of photographs by Paris based artist, Florence Paradeis.

Paradeis' works depict herself and her family and friends within their own domestic and urban environments, their own immediate landscapes. The mundane and casual looks of these beautiful produced images contradict their actual highly staged reality - a deliberate hyper-reality of those depicted.

Paradeis' works acknowledge photography as existing in the middle ground between both the fine arts and, due to its dependence on technical principles, the crafts. The medium re-presents that which it has recorded on a trajectory between the subjective, highly staged, and the more objective "truth" of photo-journalism or the snap-shot.

Rather than "capturing the subject and the moment what these photographs reveal is stasis - where the constructed scenes inevitably belie both the personality and the actual passage of time.

After the exhibition tours to:

Aldebaran, Espace d'Art Contemporain, Baillargues, France
September- October 1996

Fri-Art, Centre d"Art Contemporain, Fribourg, Switzerland
November- December 1996

Florence Paradeis is represented by Galerie des Archives, Paris