The Showroom

Ciara Phillips: Workshop (2010-ongoing)

A video about Ciara Phillips' project Workshop (2010–ongoing). This 2013 presentation comprised of an installation and a two-month temporary print studio in which the artist collaborated with a range of invited guests.

With thanks to the following individuals and groups for their involvement in the project: Melissa Gordon, Justice for Domestic Workers (J4DW), Suzy Mackie, Fraser Muggeridge, John Phillips, Pru Stevenson and Camilla Wills.

The exhibition Workshop (2010–ongoing) is realised in the framework of COHAB, a two-year project initiated by The Showroom, Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht and Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, supported by a Cooperation Measures grant from the European Commission Culture 2007–2013.

The exhibition is also supported by Arts Council England and The Elephant Trust.

Research and work for this exhibition was developed during Phillips’ Summer 2013 residency at Drawing Room, London through the biennial Drawing Room Bursary Award supported by CASS Art.

With thanks to londonprintstudio for their support.

  1. Ps
    Video Film looking at The Showroom's local work

  2. Cp_exhibit_2013_image_1
    Exhibition Ciara Phillips: Workshop (2010–ongoing)

  3. Cp_exhibit_2013_image_12
    Event Ciara Phillips in conversation with Louise Shelley

  4. Readinggroup2013
    Event The Showroom Reading Group 2013

  5. Seered1
    Event See Red Women's Workshop Presentation

  6. Cp_exhibit_2013_image_13
    Event PERSONA Magazine Launch and Reading Group Meeting

  7. 02716db8-e3b8-4c10-8f65-e638ccd0160b
    Limited Edition Ciara Phillips: NO / OK