The Showroom

Collective Isolation

Fortnightly Highlight #2
17 April 2020

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Dear friends,

In seeking ways to stay connected during this time of physical distance, we've turned towards our Collective Intimacy live programme from last autumn that Elvira Dyangani Ose and I curated with artist Theaster Gates. This project hosted over 60 interdisciplinary interventions by artists, musicians, designers, writers, thinkers, collectives and members of the public, who were all invited to distort notions of selfhood and togetherness in the spirit of creating a transcultural community.

To frame the idea of singularity within a context of collaboration, this second Fortnightly Highlight meditates upon the moments of collective effort in which individuality and intimacy can offer other ways to create community and connection. Here, we share the power of the voice in supporting multiplicity – of sound in creating resonance. It's another chance to listen, watch and read – a moment to be embraced and feel heard.

Take care,

Katherine Finerty
Assistant Curator and Communications & Development Manager, The Showroom

Take me to the lighthouse
There is peace there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
There is peace there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
I can rage there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
I can RAGE there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
You won't hear me there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
And let me cry there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
And I will lie there
In the space between things

Take me to the lighthouse
To my cocoon lair
There, between things

– Phoebe Boswell, The Lighthouse

Image: Phoebe Boswell, Mothering Memory, performance at The Showroom. All images courtesy of The Showroom.